SUCCESS Organization Has Helped Immigrants for 50 Years

canadian immigration

Most immigrants find it difficult to settle in conveniently when they relocate to a new country. Become A Canadian could confirm that immigrants also experienced the same thing in Canada until recently due to the establishment of non-profit organizations such as S.U.C.C.E.S.S.

SUCCESS is a leading non-profit organization known as the United Chinese Community Enrichment Services Society. The organization was founded in 1973 by immigrants in Vancouver to support and help new immigrants settle in comfortably in Canada.

According to Become A Canadian, the non-profit organization serves tens of thousands of people annually. SUCCESS helps immigrants new to Vancouver and seniors who have already made British Columbia their home.

"SUCCESS assisted more than 73,000 people in Canada"

Impacts of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. activities in Canada over the years

The organization is known to provide services to immigrants from over 132 countries. For instance, between April 2021 and March 2022, SUCCESS assisted more than 73,000 people in Canada.

Become A Canadian could establish that the SUCCESS organization recently had its 50th year celebration. The event had many people in attendance to share their experiences and gratitude for the assistance and support they received from the organization since its inception in 1973.

In the words of Vancouver’s first Chinese-Canadian mayor, Ken Sim:

“It’s fantastic to see the amazing work that S.U.C.C.E.S.S. does in the Canadian communities. Being the son of immigrants, I remember seeing my parents struggle to come to Canada because of the lack of programs like this amazing organization offers.”

New immigrants and senior citizens in Vancouver have benefited from the programs offered by SUCCESS.