Canada Has 3 of the Most Livable Cities in the World for 2023

canada livable city

Become A Canadian could confirm that cities in Canada are well represented in this year. Global Liveability Index.
One hundred seventy-two cities were covered in the 2023 edition of the yearly Global Liveability Index released by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). In the report, three Canadian cities were part of the top 10 best cities to live in the world. The rankings considered several factors, including healthcare, stability, infrastructure, culture and education.

List of the three most livable Canadian cities in the world

Become A Canadian highlights the 3 most livable Canadian cities in 2023 according to the Global
Livability Index.

1. Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver is located in the Lower Mainland region of British Columbia. It is a major city and the
most populous city in the province, and the third-largest metropolitan area in Canada,
according to the 2021 census.

Vancouver, Canada

2. Calgary, Canada

Calgary is located in the province of Alberta. It is the largest city in Alberta, the third-largest city
in Canada, and the fifth-largest metropolitan area in Canada, according to the 2021 census.

Calgary, Canada

3. Toronto, Canada

Toronto is located in the Canadian province of Ontario. It is Canada’s most populous city and
North America’s fourth-most populous city. The city is popularly known for its multicultural
diversity and as an international centre for business, arts and finance.

According to Become A Canadian, cities in Canada are ranked high in this year’s edition of the
Global Liveability Index, because of their improved economic situations and the post-pandemic